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Exploring the Future Together: Unveiling the AI + Quantum Village at eMerge Americas 2024

eMerge Americas, a leading technology conference, is set to introduce the AI + Quantum Village at its upcoming event in Miami this April, in partnership with Strangeworks, a prominent quantum computing firm. This new feature aims to explore the rapidly evolving fields of AI and quantum technology, showcasing their potential to transform society. The AI + Quantum Village will feature discussions on the future of these technologies, interactive exhibits, and opportunities to connect with experts and innovators. Highlights include a dedicated stage for continuous dialogue on AI and quantum computing, a dynamic expo area, and a platform for startups to present groundbreaking solutions. William Hurley (whurley), Strangeworks' CEO, will be a key speaker, emphasizing the significance of AI and quantum computing in addressing global challenges. This initiative underlines eMerge Americas' commitment to fostering innovation and supporting the tech ecosystem in South Florida and beyond.

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